Faux Freckle Aftercare
First 7-10 Days
Wash your face the evening of your appointment with a gentle cleanser (cerave, cetaphil, etc.)Repeat washing + moisturizing morning and night for 7-10 days.
Apply a tiny amount of your favorite gentle moisturizer onto a cotton swab and lightly cover freckles, enough for them to still breathe.
What to Avoid During Healing
No products on the face for 10 days
Refrain from using makeup, beauty products, sunscreen for 7-10 days
No picking or scratching.
It is normal for them to go through a dry phase. Resist the urge to pick at the tattoo.
No swimming pools, hot tubs or other bodies of water
for 14 days
No UV exposure, direct sunlight or tanning
for 30 days
No laser light therapy
It can distort the pigment color
No extreme sweating
for the first 7-10 days
No harsh products on face
exfoliants, retinol acids, glycolic acids and alpha hydroxy acids for 30 days
No massages or facials
for 7 days
The Faux Freckle Healing Process
Day 1
The freckles may be slightly swollen and sensitive. Swelling should go down within 24 hours.Slight sunburn sensation and a little redness is normal.
Day 2-7
Freckles may still feel slightly sensitive. Swelling should be gone. Freckles might feel slightly dry and itchy. Do not pick.
Day 7-10
Return to your normal face routine after 6 weeks but keep in mind, heavy exfoliants and sun exposure will fade freckles more quickly. Your skin needs 6-8 weeks to heal completely from the first session. The pigments will settle into the skin and lighten up 30-40% compared to their initial shade. Touch ups aren't usually necessary but if you'd like to add more freckles, you can book a second session.
Apply your makeup as normal, use a cotton swab to gently remove any makeup covering freckles. This is also relevant to your brows if they've been microbladed/shaded and they feel light after makeup application!
Contact Alex at alexleebrows@gmail.com