Lip Aftercare

First 10 Days


Very gently wash your lips with unscented face wash (Cetaphil or Neutrogena) morning and night. Use cold or warm water.


Pat dry with a clean paper towel. Do not rub your lips.


Apply aftercare ointment throughout the day as needed. Make sure to keep lips moist but do not over apply balm.


What to Avoid During Healing


No products on lips for 1 week

Other than the provided healing balm

No picking or scratching lips.

It is normal for them to go through a dry phase

No spicy foods or alcohol

for the first 24 hours

No foreign body fluids

in or around the lips for 5 days

No swimming pools, hot tubs or other bodies of water

for 14 days

No UV exposure, direct sunlight or tanning

for 7 days

No laser light therapy

It can distort the pigment color

No extreme sweating

for the first 5 days

No harsh products on lips

exfoliants, retinol acids, glycolic acids and alpha hydroxy acids for 30 days

No massages or facials

for 5 days


The Lip Healing Process


Day 1

Your lips will look bold and bright right after your appointment. Swelling is normal and will go down by the next day. Lips may feel tender.

Day 2

Lips may still have slight sensitivity. Swelling should be gone. Lips will still appear bright.

Day 3-4

Lips will feel dry and chapped. They may peel at this stage.

Day 7

Lips will appear soft and light, don't worry, pigment will come back in a few weeks!

Day 21

Your lips should be looking great! The color should be back by this time.

Day 42

Touch up time! Here we can strengthen your shape, adjust color slightly, even out lips if any areas faded more than others.


Contact Emily at


Brow Aftercare


Faux Freckle Aftercare